Hogan's Heroes Fan Fiction Authors

LaVerne Cash

Email: laverne.cash @ us.army.mil
Web: http://www.LaVerneCash.com

BookSurge proudly announces the publication of New Beginnings by LaVerne Cash. The book may be ordered from the author's website.


1960’s sitcom soldiers in a life-and-death WWII battle.

And there’s nothing funny about it. 



What happens when the characters from the sitcom Hogan’s Heroes are thrown into a situation where biological warfare is threatened and their beloved leader is being tortured to death?


It is World War II and both the Axis and the Allied powers believe the other to be advanced in biological warfare.  Need-to-know prevails on both sides.


Colonel Alistair Wembley, an operative for British secret intelligence Service, and his OSS counterpart, Mike Anders, read a cryptic message from one of the British agents: the Germans are threatening biological warfare. After considerable debate, they send in Colonel Robert Hogan—code name: Goldilocks—to unearth the truth.  


The British agent is a traitor and Hogan is captured and interrogated by Gestapo agent Emil Gottfried, a psychopath and sadist. If Hogan is not rescued, he will not survive imprisonment.


German-American soldier Mike Anders volunteers to parachute into Germany and save Hogan. Anders enlists the aid of Kurt Schell, an underground physician and an expert on tetrodotoxin, a poison that alters respiratory and cardiac functions. Those administered tetrodotoxin appear to be dead, but no one knows exactly what dosage is too much. Can Anders be trusted?


New Beginnings explores the enigma of war, of what happens when those we trust may be the enemy and those we fear may actually be our friends. And it asks the question: When those in power make decisions, can they differentiate between right and wrong?



LaVerne Cash is a physicist and mathematician who earned her Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Johns Hopkins. Employed by the Department of the Army, Cash is an expert on the evaluation of weapons systems. A member of the church choir, her church’s annual "Living Christmas Tree" gave her the idea for this novel’s subplot.


New Beginnings is LaVerne Cash’s first novel.



New Beginnings (excerpt) (Last web update: 7/27/2004)